Category Archives: Food

Quick and Easy Apple Snack

It’s late in the evening, a little chilly, and feels a whole lot like winter outside.  I find myself wanting something warm and sweet, and I’m not talking about a man! Haha. I came up with a quick and moderately healthy microwave treat using ingredients you might already have in your kitchen cabinet and refrigerator. You’ll need:

1 Medium Apple, cinnamon to taste, apple pie spice to taste, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 1 teaspoon butter, 2 tablespoons triple zero vanilla yogurt.

Core the apple and cut into bite size pieces. You can peel or not peel, depending on how much work you want to do. I don’t peel. Maybe I’m too lazy, maybe I think there are lots of vitamins and fiber in the peel – you can judge as you see fit. Place the apple pieces in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 1:30 -2:00, depending on the power of your microwave. Remove the apples from the microwave and sprinkle with cinnamon and apple pie spice. Add the butter and brown sugar and mix well. Place the apples back in the microwave for an additional 1:30-2:00. Remove the apples from the microwave and stir again. Top with two tablespoons of vanilla yogurt while the apples are still warm and enjoy!

Is this as healthy as eating an apple? No. Is it as bad as a big slice of dutch apple pie with ice cream? Heck no!! It’s the rational middle ground you can enjoy whilst not feeling like either a fasting monk or glutton. Balance. Yes.

Packing a Lunch

This is more of a lunch prep food hack than a recipe. You’re generally going to have a more filling and nutritious lunch and food throughout the work day if you plan ahead and pack food from home. Planning begins with a base for your mid-day meal. I like something with a good mix of protein and carbohydrates, so I’ll start with this:

  • 1 fresh red, green or yellow bell pepper diced and sizzled in olive oil in a deep skillet over medium heat
  • Add 1 1/2 lbs ground turkey and brown
  • Season with chipotle, cumin, chilli powder, or cayenne pepper to taste. (You know how much heat you like. Leave out the cayenne or chilli powder if that’s too spicy for you)
  • Add one can each (drained and rinsed to lower the sodium) red kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans
  • Add a cooked pouch of boil-in-bag white or brown rice (you decide)
  • Add  1 1/2 to 2 cups of medium chunky salsa (you don’t want it to be too soupy)
  • Let simmer for 10 min, cool and portion in small plastic containers

Freeze the containers and have them in your lunch box arsenal. This stuff is seriously good and simple and filling. How many calories? How much are you going to eat? Try these easy additions to round out snacks for the remainder of the day:

  • Oikos Triple Zero Yogurt (one or two cartons depending on how much protein you need)
  • Sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, celery, bell pepper strips…think fresh and snackable
  • Banana, apple, grapes, berries…don’t over-do the fruit, but it’s better than candy or cookies to satisfy a sweet craving

Don’t stress by trying to be too fancy or complicated when you’re jumping off the fast food lunch train. Pack your lunch bag and have it ready in the fridge the night before. Get fresh food that you like that’s not from a box or package. It’s a good start.


The Summer Food Blues

Why is it that when the training is spectacular and glorious and I feel like a straight up beast, the nutrition is all wacky and subject to multiple personality disorder? Why can’t the intake and the output be at maximum efficiency at the same time? I’m hitting my ‘working bench press’ (for me that means about four sets of 15-20 reps) at 105 lbs. That feels really good. My cycling is pretty strong and I just completed a +45 mile ride at 7,000 ft elevation and didn’t die.

But this crystal bowl etched with a map of the continents and filled with mini York Peppermint Patties, Rollo’s, and Peanut Butter Cups won’t stop running through my mind. I took that bowl from my office across the building to a training room…and I still can’t stop thinking about walking over there to grab a handful of Rollo’s. I work out really hard. I train A LOT. But I need to lose at least fifteen pounds. And I’m not doing it. The adage is true, “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.”

So what do I do? Do I give in and go ‘hog’ wild? Just eat all the candy and sweets I can fit in my mouth? Do I grit my teeth with forced determination and discipline, refusing any kind of ‘bad’ food? Honestly, right now, neither. I’m trying to give myself some grace, and live with some balance. That means three – ok six – Rollo’s and then that salad with turkey breast for lunch. Here’s my message for you today. Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not at 7% body fat. Don’t stress about your imperfections. But…do something. Make some – even tiny – change. Go for a walk. Go to the gym. I belong to three different ones. I can hook you up. Eat a few green vegetables and some fruit. Drink a cup of black coffee, but skip the soda. And if you feel like you gotta have them, pop a Rollo or two.